Tuesday, August 1, 2023 Harrisville

I slept well last night. I was up early, showered and back on Annie at 7:30. I took down my Canadian Courtesy flag and hoisted the Past Commodore Flag. Peter came for a cappuccino at 8:00. He was glad we had come all the way to Presque Isle yesterday in almost perfect conditions. We reviewed the weather and charts for today's voyage to Harrisville. Marianna had already called for reservations. We agreed to depart at 9:30. 

I did not even try to finish and post the blog as there is no cell or wifi service here. I knew I could do it underway, which is what I did. Initially the seas were totally calm but shortly built to the 1-2' forecast in the 12-ish + south winds. Both Annie and Voyager prefer going into head seas over riding across beam seas. At one point in the cruise we passed a buoy marking a shoal near the Middle Island Light. Later we passed the Thunder Island Light and saw a sailboat that did not make it past Thunder Bay.

It got pretty bouncy as the trip continued on. Kerry made a little homemade bread and fruit breakfast for me, before she wisely crawled  under the covers in the V-berth, About 2/3 through the voyage I had to close the pilot house hatch as water was splashing in on my keyboard. Closer to  Harrisville the ride smoothed out a little. Kerry even noticed it. Since she was in bed I was on my own for lunch. I had a very nice Labatt's Blue Light, some chips and a bowl of Michigan cherries. Yum! Who says men can't fend for themselves. The trip today was 46 miles. It took us 5 3/4 hours at an average of 8 knots.

We like Harrisville. It's small, but clean and well maintained with a helpful staff. Fishing is said to be good here. But Peter reminded me our Ontario fishing license will not work here. Darn. It's $10 per day for a non resident license. Maybe if we are weathered in for a couple of days we might do it. I spoke to one bummed kid who had just hooked a big pike that went under the dock and broke his pole in half and then broke the line. 

Marianna invited us over for a tortilla dinner with sourdough bread. It was tasty and nice of her to do so  after a long voyage. It's going to be near 60 tonight so we will be very comfortable in our beds. We are paying night to night here in case the weather permits us to move south. Now it appears we may be here for a couple of days. As Peter said, "If this is a good day to travel on Lake Huron, I would not want to see a bad day!" 


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