Sunday, August 6, 2023 Port Huron

It was a nice quiet night in Port Huron. I went to bed early and got a good sleep score of 83. Much better than the night's before 69. It makes a big difference when I know I don't need to get up early to travel. The only issue was some mildly loud music coming from nearby boats. Closing a port hole and using a fan for white noise eliminated the problem for me. I have grown to accept that staying in a marina on a Saturday night usually means sharing the facilities with people who come to party. 

The Seventh Street Bridge opens twice an hour.

Peter visited for his cappuccino and little white powered donuts about 8:30. Then he and Marianna headed to the Raven for breakfast. Kerry promised she would cook breakfast for me so we did not join them. Light rain started about 9:30. I tried to watch television, again without success. I do need to address this in the off season. When Kerry got up she gave me a choice of bacon and eggs, which I would have to cook, or BLT's that she would make. The BLT's were great. 

It's hard to deal with Peter when he comes back from the Raven. He gets a fancy coffee drink called an Almond Joy. I had to start serving his cappuccinos on Annie with whipped cream and chocolate syrup because of that drink. Now he is suggesting that he needs a bigger, wider cup with little chocolate pieces on top of his whipped cream!

We planned to walk downtown after breakfast, but it started to rain pretty hard before we were ready to go. We just snuggled in instead. I put Kerry's hibiscus outside to get a nice leaf cleaning with fresh rainwater. I decided I would walk to the shower after I finished the last few pages of a book I was reading. But when I grabbed my stuff, rain started again. So with off and on rain all day, we finally just resolved to staying on board the rest of the day, until it was time to go to Voyage for dinner. 

I did take a moment to sit under Annie's bimini and smoke a little cigarillo. Kerry joined me for a little fresh air. Across from our dock are some nice condos, one of which had an open house today. They have 3 levels, a dock, 4 baths, 2 bedrooms and sell for about $350,000. Looks like a nice place to live. 

We went to dinner on Voyager at 5:30. Marianna had appetizers that included really spicy pepper jelly and also a fig jelly, both served with little round crackers. So good. Dinner was tortellini pasta following a very nice lettuce and cabbage salad. For dessert she had fresh blueberry pie made with really sweet wild blueberries topped with ice cream and whipped cream. Yum. We had lots of good conversation with dinner, but ended up discussing jury nullification based upon a murder trial where Marianna was a jurist. How did we get there? We walked back to Annie in a pretty good rain shower. Good sleeping tonight.

Tomorrow Marianna will be back on the job making reservations for our remaining trip home. We hope to go to Algonac on Wednesday. Shopping is on the ladies agenda tomorrow. The boys have the marina and hardware stores, plus fried chicken on their agenda.


  1. I heard news (maybe radio) from someone over 100 years old to eat blueberries and ice cream. I love it! A 104 year old lady on the TV news said she loves to eat and cooked a lot. The desert looks excellent! Peter has a huge, fancy cappuccino! What’s that bikini picture? It looks like a picture from the past. We’ve been having a lot of rain so everything watered! Safe travels!

    1. The bikini is just one of the graphics on the table. Looks like Peter is pointing at it, but that's just an coincidence.

  2. About the cappuccino. They don’t have to be chocolate pieces! They could be any of many different colored flavors.

  3. Marianna MV/Voyager. Skipper Don has totally created a monster. I ain’t making no cappuccinos for Peter and sprinkles , REALLY ?🥺


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