Friday, August 4, 2023 Harrisville

Both Peter and I felt we should get to Port Huron before the big winds of Monday and Tuesday arrive. How to do it was the question. Saturday is a great travel day, Sunday is forecast to be better than today. We discussed options of going all the way to Port Huron from here, 13 hours, and the merits of stopping at Harbor Beach, Lexington, or some other place. Obviously the further south we go the first day, the shorter distance on the second day. We finally decided to leave here at 6:00 on Saturday and head for Harbor Beach. If it turns out that Sunday will not be a good travel day, we could bypass Harbor Beach and go further to Port Sanilac or Lexington, leaving us less distance on Sunday, or go all the way to Port Huron. 

When the wind picked up it was brisk from the North as expected. It put a surge in the harbor here, the first movement we have experienced. I was glad we decided not to travel today. The surge did seem to bother Kerry. She did not feel well when she got up so she went back to bed. Lots of z's coming from forward. Since I found myself with free time, I filled the water tanks and in doing so lost a little cap that goes on my filter. When looking for a replacement I found, of all things, a lead acid battery tester! I wish I had know I had it when Peter was looking for one. Who knew?


Kerry made lunch about noon, a BLT for me and a deviled egg sandwich for her. Marianna stopped over while we were eating. She visited a little while and delivered two delicious looking blueberry muffins. After that we went to the Family Dollar store and got some chips, including a bag for Peter. Marianna went for a pedicure. 

Showers followed once we were back at Annie, and then we went to dinner at the Mountain Grill with Cliff and Barb. They live in Arizona but keep their boat here, and were kind enough to drive us all to the restaurant. It was an excellent restaurant with a huge menus. The food was reasonably priced and the service was great. Kerry and I split a pizza, Peter had ribs and Marianna a salad. We have enough pizza left for two lunches. 

We were back from dinner at 6:30. We poured a little chocolate wine as we reviewed the weather and did some reading. The forecast has changed the wind to more east that north, although for the most part it is supposed to be light. Patches of heavier air are around and their location varies throughout the day. We hope we miss them! We'll leave at 6:00 AM. We could not get into Lexington tomorrow night, so it looks like our destination will be Harbor Beach, or Port Huron.


  1. Love the blog, pics and the food! Safe travels!

  2. Marianna/MV Voyager: Pat, I really enjoy reading your comments. You are such a loyal fan of the blog ❣️
    Gotta get my beauty rest before our long journey tomorrow. Nite nite 🥱😴💤

  3. Well the Indians got back to their winning ways with a 4 to 2 victory over Chicago last night. They play again today. Did you ever check out SV Delos. They almost to the Marquesas. KIP


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