Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Aiken Island

Another peaceful night here in Cleary Cove. And we did not have any mosquitoes inside so closing up Annie early in the evening worked. Lying in bed this morning I decided to move to another anchorage where I can connect to the internet. It’s a shame to leave my favorite anchorage just to get connected, but hey, that’s important to us. Where oh where is my Starlink!

I watched a fellow paddle board into the harbor very early this morning. I thought he was going to fish. Instead he went to shore, put a mosquito net over his head and climbed up a little hill, presumably looking for blueberries.  I hope he is not after the patch that the bear wants. He paddled by on his way out and said a big storm is expected this afternoon. The bear must have beaten him to the patch as he said the harvest was not good.

I sat on the bow and enjoyed my morning coffee. I could see logs on the bottom and was reminded of the time we pulled a big one up with our anchor chain wrapped around it. I hoped we wouldn’t have a repeat today. We didn't. The anchor came up easily. and very clean with minimal seaweed. 

I was able to get the Orros on the phone this morning. I explained I was leaving to get better internet at another anchorage. I was open as to where to go. They promised to call back with their plans either to stay or move. Peter suggested Aiken Island as our destination. It's a new spot for both of us.   

The trip to Aiken was mostly in the open channel waters. It took 1 3/4 hours to do the 10.6 miles. Initially it was a little rolling, which quickly sent Kerry to the sofa. I had been making ice all morning and continued to do so as we traveled. One problem with storage of the ice is that the zip lock bags we use often come open, That happened today and dumped all my morning's work on the floor. We need a better way to store ice!

The Aiken Island anchorage is a pretty little bay that is open to the SE, but protected from all other winds. No SE winds were forecast, but a little swell from that direction welcomed us once we were anchored. One boat was here when we arrived. Fortunately the internet is available here which is the reason I moved.  Cleary Cove would be much more protected in a storm if one came. I still can't believe we were there for 2 days with no other boats joining us. 

We passed the afternoon without doing much of anything. First, I took the time to update two days worth of blogs. Then I took the remnants of the double sided tape off 2 of our three closet doors. My plastic scraper and Goo Gone worked great and left no gouges like a razor blade did once before on another door. Kerry napped then prepared for her dinner. I sent Jimbo a note that the VYC coffee cup prototypes I ordered were in at Walgreens. I am anxious to hear how they look. 

The Orros arrived at 4:30. Serious rain was forecast but the storms went below us and we only had a light sprinkle. We were able to have cocktails in the pilot house and then cook hamburgers on the grill without getting wet. Kerry also had bacon for the burgers, corn on the cob, and deviled eggs. Quite the feast from her, again. After dinner Peter and I smoked little cigars on the top deck while the ladies sipped Fireball and Rum Chata. We took a bug zapper with us to defend against the mosquitoes who thought they could get an easy, early dinner. They were dead wrong! 

Kerry's phone worked well here. It's the one I used to get on the internet. My newer Pixel phone would not do anything. Peter switched the cellular provider on it which made it work great. Would that have worked in Cleary Cove? That thought will bother me, but in reality, probably none of my three phones would work well there. 

We had lots of discussion about future plans for the return home. Marianna seemed happy to go down the Michigan side with us, Peter was undecided. We'll likely meet in Port Huron if they go down the Canadian side. Gore Bay will probably be the place of no return where decisions must be made. Although, I could go from here to the Vidal Bay anchorage if they are going back Canadian. We'll see. Fishing is on tomorrow's agenda.


  1. Glad you got internet access! 80’s and 90’s for the next few days. Love the blog and pics! Safe travels!

  2. I missed your blog the last two days. It has been warm with lots of wind and rain for two days and the forecast for Friday is temperature in the 90's. The Indians won 2 games from KC and will play the White Sox tonight in Chicago They are at 500 for the season and only 2 games behind the Twins for the Central Division lead. Marcy picked yellow beans for the first time and we will have them tonight along wth hamburgers. Enjoy your time in Aird.

  3. Marianna MV/Voyager: Loved our anchorage at Aiken- soo fun exploring on the dinghy as we visited Moiles Harbour ❣️❣️


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