Sunday, June 25, 2023 Port Huron

It was a pretty morning in Port Huron. After updating the blog and making coffee I decided to fill my water tank. I did not expect to be challenged doing that. There was almost no water coming out of my RV water filter connected to the hose. At first I thought low water pressure was the issue, but after trial and error I discovered that the filter was almost totally restricting the water flow. I had only used it one time before and it worked perfectly then. So, into the trash went the cheap money saving brand, and Amazon is delivering my usual brand to me by 3:00 PM today. And I used to think all you needed to cruise was a roll of duct tape. Now I know you need Amazon and Costco too.

Peter and I had our coffee and cappuccinos on Annie complete with little white powdered donuts from Voyager. We need to watch the weather closely for a good window to cross Lake Huron. Lots of strong NW winds causing waves to build at times to 5-7 feet because of the long fetch. The weather seems pretty unsettled. 

We had a very nice breakfast at the Raven. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Three of us had loaded oatmeal which came with dried fruit and nuts, plus brown sugar, and also had fancy coffee drinks. Then it was off to Desmond's marine store, the hardware store and the antique store. Kerry and I pooped out after that and returned to Annie. Peter and Marianna went on to the grocery store. 

When I returned I saw that a chair had blown over on our upper deck. Once up there I noticed that the lines holding our table were pretty unkempt. I decided that if I drilled a strategic hole in the table top brace, and used a wire tie, I could vastly improve their appearance. So, I got my drill out of my tool storage area which is under my pilot house seat. Then I discovered two things; 1, I had forgotten my drill bits, and 2, I believe the space is big enough to hold a Starlink antenna, the smaller one for sure, and if my measurements are right, the larger one too.

I had to give Peter his anniversary present early. The Orro's anniversary is in July while we are cruising, so we always give them little gifts. This year I got him little flag holder clips that attach to a VHF antenna. He did not have a way to fly a VYC burgee or a Canadian courtesy flag. Well, in the marine store he had picked out the same package of clips to buy. So I was forced to give him his present early. I tried to make him promise to remember that he got it. Just in case, I took a photo.

It appears there is a weather window opening for a Tuesday morning trip across Lake Huron. Marianna called and we can get into Bayfield, Ontario a day early. We might move our boats to the Desmond Marine fuel dock tomorrow night so we don't have to deal with the two bridges when we pack up and leave early Tuesday morning. It's OK with Desmond. 
Dinner was on Voyager. Marianna made what she calls Spanish tuna salad. It's a bit spicy and made with Sriracha and other spicy goodies. It's delicious. She made it for us when we transited the Welland Canal.  I raved about it so she wanted Kerry to taste it. Prior to dinner, we sat on their aft deck and enjoyed cocktails. We watched a big storm roll in. Since it had been long forecasted we had already battened down the hatches and could just enjoy the dramatic weather.

The weather forecast does not look good for tomorrow. I am hoping we can ride our bikes to get the best fried chicken ever at this little place one mile from here, So like General Patton, I am praying for a break in the weather. 


  1. Great pics and blog! Hope weather is good for you! Rain off and on here in 70’s. Safe travels!


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