Saturday, June 24, 2023 Port Huron

It rained for a long time last night, and started again about 4:30 when it rained really hard. At 7:00 it was over and the skies were clearing. It looked good for Kerry's garage sailing trip. But would she get up? She did, about 8:30. I had to coax her with a nice warm pot of tea. 

While waiting for her to rise, I wiped down our windows and took a walk around to look at some of the Chris-Craft boats. While I was looking at the 45' 1977 restored boat in front of me, some man came up and said he liked Annie better. He was a slow boat, trawler man he said. My kind of guy!

I snapped a few pictures on my tour. I could have taken many more. Lots to see.

We took off at 9:00 looking for garage sails. We only found two, but that was enough for Kerry to get some new plates. We had the bikes packed up and on Annie by 10:30. Peter came by and we took a walk around looking at all the great Chris-Craft boats. The oldest was of 1917 vintage. 

Many people stopped to admire Annie and were most complimentary. I guess people that love boats love boats, and perhaps the make is secondary. We got lots of nice compliments as we motored out and many pictures were taken. Kerry heard one lady say ,"I really like that boat - what is it?" One of my all time favorite signs is on a boat house in Algonac. I take a picture of it every year.

We left at 11:00. Kerry started the engine and electronics. I reminded her to switch the autopilot on. :-) It was much easier going up the river with it working. We traveled 25 miles today, in 4 hours at an average speed of 6.2 knots. Total miles so far are 135.  It was a lovely trip. The sun had appeared and turned the water into a swimming pool blue color which  made the scene beautiful. A delicious BLT was the highlight of the voyage, although I enjoyed listening to all the trouble Putin has gotten himself into because of his Wagner mercenary group revolt. Kind of like the guy who started out to drain the swamp . . .

Once in Port Huron we stopped at Desmond's Marina for the first fuel and pumpout of the trip. I took 76 gallons of diesel, way more than I expected. Perhaps my last fill up was not filled up? I was sure glad the price is in the $3.75 range and not in the $7's like last year. I told the girl attendant I thought I would take 50 gallons. As the quantity increased I asked her if she was sure it was not coming out the bottom? She almost had a panic attack and jumped up to look over the side quicker than I imagined anyone could do. I had to apologize for my poor joke. 

Lots of freighter traffic today. It's fun to watch them pass Annie They are so quiet gliding by. You would not expect that. My AIS helped me today. Shoveler was coming up behind me and I did not yet know he was there until my AIS warned me. I must have been looking for big ass white birds up ahead.

The first thing you notice when arriving at Port Huron now is that the old non-working railroad bridge is gone. Kerry took a picture of  where it was as we pulled in. You can't see it obviously, because it is gone. 

We made the 3:00 Military Street Bridge and the 3:15 second 7th Street Bridge and were docked at Riverside Marina shortly after that. The office and restrooms are so far away that I got our bikes out to ride to them. Many people here have electric scooters. When I checked in I asked about wi-fi. The young lady told me that it was not working on our section of the docks now. I asked if it ever works and she smiled and said, "no." Fortunately my phone hot spot is working here nicely for blog posting. We have reservations for 4 nights. I paid for three in case a weather issue comes up and we want to split early. After tomorrow, the weather looks iffy. 

I helped Peter dock about 4:15. Dinner and cocktails were on Annie tonight and what a grand evening it was because of Mr. Costco and our first mates.  Cocktails were in the air conditioned pilot house. Appetizers were crackers and Fritos with Costco's White Queso cheese with peppers. Yum. The drink of choice - Costco vodka. 

Marianna and Kerry cooked the entire dinner in our microwave. It was a treat watching and listening to them as Marianna never uses a microwave so it was an new experience for her. They had a lot of fun. The first course was a delicious fresh garden salad. with Costco salad toppers. The main course was a delicious Indian treat, Chicken Coconut Curry with Mango, again from Costco, served on microwaved cooked rice. 

It was so delicious that Peter said he could eat it every day. We had a sample in the store once so we knew it was good. We had Rosemary's brownies for dessert and Marianna really liked them, saying she thought they were the best brownies she ever had. Quite a compliment. They were good. Kerry had bought a chocolate sauce to put on them, but could not find where it is stored. Obviously it was not needed. We sipped Fireball to end the evening. Speaking of food that Marianna prefers, I want to take the opportunity to remind Big Jim that Marianna prefers my barbequed ribs over his!

We got to use our new little folding chairs for the first time. I bought them at a Florida garage sale and refinished them. We have two. They are the perfect size for Annie and surprisingly comfortable. They are one of the many items stored in the engine room with lined and padded cases made by Kerry.

We agreed to meet at 10:00 tomorrow to go to The Raven which is our favorite Port Huron restaurant/coffee house. We have gone there for years. Sunday is forecast to be our only real nice day here, so we have lots of activities planned.


  1. Port Huron has always been one of my favorite stops especially wnen the GLCC offices were there: I think they are back in Chicago. I will always remember Fog Cutters Restaurant and its great seafood. KIP

    1. The GLCC is in Port Huron. We stopped in last year. We too liked Fog Cutters. I recall we went there every visit, and even dressed to do so.

    2. Love the boat pics and “Xman-woman sign! Great blog! Safe travels!


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